About Dr. Ir. Ron J. Glas​

About Dr. Ir. Ron J. Glas

Dr. Ir. Ron J. Glas († 2019) devoted his entire working life, spanning close to four decades, to unravelling the complex mysteries of cannabis. For over 30 years, he actively pursued research in this field, with the sole objective of comprehending and decoding the remarkable mechanisms of this plant.

Through his tireless efforts, Ron J. Glas was able to identify, quantify, and qualify the strains and genetics of cannabis, amassing a collection of over 38,000 samples or fingerprints. He used these samples to conduct tests in relation to various medical conditions and illnesses, resulting in the creation of an impressive catalogue of formulations and their corresponding beneficial effects on a wide range of medical conditions.

A Life Dedicated to
Cannabis Research

The start of the journey

Dr. Ir. Ron J. Glas, a passionate, warm, and knowledgeable individual, was born in Alkmaar in 1952 as the eldest son in a working-class family. It’s no surprise that he went on to become a Master in Cannabis, given the unique phenomenon that emerged in Amsterdam during the early 1970s with the advent of coffee shops.

Mellow Yellow, the first coffee shop in Amsterdam, combined the sale of cannabis with coffee, tea, and other drinks in a squatted bakery on the Weesperzijde. It was here that Ron had his first cannabis experience, and he became fascinated with the plant’s properties and potential.

Ronald J Glas

30 years of extensive research

Despite cannabis being prohibited in many parts of the world, Ron was undeterred in his pursuit of researching the plant. He completed his studies in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Molecular Cell Biology, and Microbiology and spent over 30 years documenting and researching the many facets of cannabis. His research went beyond simple documentation and included developing functional formulations that matched various recipes with medical conditions and afflictions.

Throughout his life, Ron J. Glas was methodical, non-conformist, and a bit of a rebel at the best of times. His dedication to understanding cannabis has made him a leading authority on the plant, and his contributions to the field continue to impact and inform research today.

The Alpha-CAT analysis test

Ron J. Glas developed a cannabinoid analysis test called Alpha-CAT and filed for a patent in 2005 (US20070077660A1) only to abandon the application in 2007 to ensure free use and access for all. This test allows for the visualization of all cannabinoids in a cannabis sample and their respective strengths, potencies, and effects. More than 38,000 tests were performed, resulting in the identification of 16 main chemotypes and numerous sub-chemotypes. This data allowed for the establishment of a classification system for strength and potency, as well as strain-symptom correlations.

Alpha CAT

Improving people lives around the globe

Ron J. Glas leveraged his knowledge to create a database of over 38,000 cannabis genetics (fingerprints) and utilized them to identify potential medical benefits for a range of conditions and afflictions. Through his research, Ron developed specific cannabinoid formulations that proved effective in treating ailments such as insomnia, depression, and obesity.


Ron’s legacy serves as a testament to the power of curiosity and the critical role of scientific research in advancing our understanding of medicinal cannabis. His pioneering work has paved the way for improved access to the therapeutic benefits of cannabis, benefiting millions of people around the globe.



  1. “A New Chemotaxonomic Classification System for Cannabis Species Based on the Cannabinoid Composition and a Set of Strain Specific ‘Cryptics’,” authored by R.J. Glas and R. van den Berg, with affiliation to Alpha Nova Pharma BV and WUR.
  2. “A Qualitative and Quantitative HPTLC Densitometry Method for the Analysis of Cannabinoids in Cannabis sativa L.,” authored by Justin T. Fischedick, Ronald Glas, Arno Hazekamp, and Rob Verpoorte, with affiliation to Alpha Nova Diagnostics BV.
Publications Ronald J Glas

Decoding Cannabis and restoring your health